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Bill White's Trilobite Photos
Trilobites of the Cincinnatian

Photos of Flexicalymene
Trilobite Fragment Identifier

Crinoid Identification
Cincinnatian Edrioasteroids
Weird Echinoderms

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Cincinnati Brachiopods
Cincinnati Scolecodonts
Cincinnati Bryozoans

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The Oldest Continuously-Operating
   Fossil Club in North America.



Congratulations to the 2024
             Winner of the Trudy Houser
             Youth Award!

Our next meeting is
            Friday, September 27, 2024
            - IN PERSON AND ONLINE -

Our next field trip is 
             Saturday, September 28, 2024

Join the discussion on our
             private Facebook group.

The Edrioasteriod Isorophus cincinnatiensis
About the Dry Dredgers 

Contact Us
What We Do
A Brief History of the Dry Dredgers

By-laws of Dry Dredgers, Inc.

A Crinoid FossilThe Dry Dredgers is an association of amateur geologists dedicated to the knowledge and enjoyment of fossils. The association was founded in 1942 and continues to bring together those interested in ancient life. Its aim is to stimulate interest in geology, to encourage the collection and identification of fossils, and to participate in field trips and exhibitions. The club is affiliated with the University of Cincinnati Geology Department , and annually awards the Paleo Research Award to support the study of paleontology.

Members of the Dry Dredgers are individuals of all ages, backgrounds, and levels of expertise, sharing a common and sincere interest in fossils. Average yearly membership is about 200 families.

Meetings are held generally at 8 p.m. on the fourth Friday of every month from September to June. At these meetings, projects are discussed, field trips planned, lectures presented and fossils appreciated.

All meetings are held in Room 201 Braunstein Hall  on the University of Cincinnati campus. Field trips take place monthly in the autumn and spring, usually within 100 miles of Cincinnati.

Membership is open to all interested individuals and families. Family membership is $12/one year, $22/two years, and $30.00/three. If you would like to join, print and mail our MEMBERSHIP FORM.

Currently, we have about 350 family memberships from all over the country.

Send your questions and comments to:
Jack Kallmeyer, President

Join us! Use this form.

And be sure to read our BLOG (blog.drydredgers.org) 

And join in the conversation on our Facebook Group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/drydredgers)

Open to the public
Sept. 27, 2024

to new content on drydredgers.org.

The Dry Dredgers Website is maintained by Bill Heimbrock.
To make an inquiry, Contact Us!

Last Updated: May 1, 2024

The Dry Dredgers and individual contributors reserve the rights to all information, images, and content presented here. Permission to reproduce in any fashion, must be requested in writing to admin@drydredgers.org .
www.drydredgers.org is designed and maintained by Bill Heimbrock.