Sharonville Trammel Fossil Park
There are lots of fossils to be found on road cuts along side roads within 100 miles of Cincinnati Ohio. Fossil hunting is NOT permitted on interstate highways. When collecting on side roads, be sure to always park as far off the road as you can and stay out of the roadway. I have found that wearing an orange reflective vest while collecting helps passing patrols know you are watching out for yourself.
NEVER dig on a road cut. There are plenty of fossils on the surface weathering out of the shale to collect. Signs of digging may cause us all to loose our privileges to collect fossils on the site.
When collecting on private property, ALWAYS obtain permission before collecting. This includes public parks. If you don't know the rules on fossil collecting, find out before picking up fossils.
For additional sites near Cincinnati Ohio to collect Late Ordovician fossils, join the Dry Dredgers!
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