Approved  SEPTEMBER 27, 1996


 1.01  Dry Dredgers, Inc. is the successor organization to The Dry Dredgers.  The Dry Dredgers was formed and named in April, 1942, as a not-for-profit association dedicated to interest in stratigraphy and paleontology particularly in the Cincinnatian Series of the Upper Ordovician of the greater Cincinnati area.

 1.02  The purpose of Dry Dredgers, Inc.  shall be to stimulate interest and promote education at all levels consistent with its Charter and paragraph 1.01 and to encourage the collection, identification, preservation and classification of fossils of all types.


2.01  Consistent with its Charter, membership in the Dry Dredgers, Inc. shall be open to any individual or family upon receipt of the payment of dues.  The Dry Dredgers, Inc. may have non-paying honorary members selected and approved by the Board of Directors.  An advisor to the Dry Dredgers, Inc. shall be a member of the faculty of the Department of Geology at the University of Cincinnati as selected by the Board of Directors and with the consent of said member.


3.01  The fiscal year of the Dry Dredgers, Inc. shall coincide with the academic year of the University of Cincinnati, September to August, or as otherwise adopted by the University.


4.01  Annual dues of the Dry Dredgers, Inc. shall be an amount per address as determined by the Board of Directors, with the approval of the Members-At-Large as provided in paragraph 4.02, and are due and payable September 1 of the current year.  Members delinquent after December 31 of the current year will be dropped from the roster as Members-At-Large and will receive no further Bulletins.   Annual dues of the Dry Dredgers, Inc. for the 1996 -1997 year shall be six dollars ($6.00) and remain the same thereafter until changed as provided in this paragraph and paragraph 4.02.

 4.02  Any change in the amount of the annual dues of the Dry Dredgers, Inc. shall be determined by a majority vote of the Members-At-Large in good standing in attendance at a Regular Monthly meeting.  A description of the dues increase and the taking of a vote on the increase shall be announced in the Bulletin immediately preceding the Regular Monthly meeting at which the vote is to be held.  Any change shall be effective the next year of the Dry Dredgers, Inc..

 4.03   Revenue from any other source intended for the Dry Dredgers, Inc. (other than gifts or interest on Dry Dredgers, Inc. funds) shall be determined by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.  The Board of Directors shall also determine if the revenue raising proposal shall be submitted to the Members-At-Large for approval by a majority vote of the Members-At-Large in good standing in attendance at a Regular Monthly meeting.   In this event, a description of the revenue raising proposal and the taking of a vote on the new source of revenue shall be announced in the Bulletin immediately preceding the Regular Monthly meeting at which the vote is to be held.  In any event, the decision of the Board of Directors, both as to a new source of revenue and as to a vote by Members-At-Large on the new revenue source, shall be published in the next Bulletin after the vote by the Board of Directors.   


5.01  Regular Monthly meetings shall be held on the fourth Friday of each month September through May at 8:00 PM except November and December.  November shall be the third Friday (or fourth if prior to Thanksgiving) and December shall be at the discretion of the Board of Directors.

 5.02  The time and place of the Regular Monthly meeting may be changed by the President, with the approval of the Board of Directors, but such change must be published in at least one Bulletin prior to the meeting.

 5.03    The Regular Monthly meeting location shall be at the University of Cincinnati or as otherwise determined by the Program Chairman.

 5.04  Board of Directors meetings shall be called at the President's discretion at the time and place as the President shall determine.

 5.05  Requests for a Board of Directors meeting may be made to the President by any elected officer or appointed Chairman.


6.01  The Board of Directors of the Dry Dredgers, Inc. shall consist of all elected officers, all appointed chairmen, and the immediate Past President in good standing.

 6.02  The duty of the Board of Directors shall be to determine the overall direction of the Dry Dredgers, Inc. and to recommend to the Members-At-Large the allocation and expenditure of Dry Dredgers, Inc. funds.

 6.03  It shall be the duty of any officer, chairman and/or member to furnish the Bulletin Editor with any pertinent information at least two weeks prior to the publication of that Bulletin.

 6.04  Elected Officers must be in good standing and shall be:

Vice President/Programs

 For the 1996 - 1997 year only, the Elected Officers shall be the last elected officers of the predecessor Dry Dredgers Association, namely:

 President  Jack Kallmeyer
Vice President/Programs  Rich Fuchs
Secretary John Tate

Karen Schweller

6.05  Appointed Chairmen must be in good standing and shall be:

Field Trips
Bulletin Editor/Publicity

Fossil Kits

Any other chairmen may be appointed from time to time as suits the needs of the Dry Dredgers, Inc. and are approved by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.

 For the 1996 - 1997 year only, the Chairmen shall be the last appointed chairmen of the predecessor Dry Dredgers Association.

 6.06  Election of officers shall be held at the May Regular Monthly meeting of the Dry Dredgers, Inc. and, after solicitation of any further nominations from the floor, by a majority vote of Members-At-Large present at the meeting.  In the case of more than one candidate for office, election shall be by secret ballot.

 6.07  Elected Officers and Appointed Chairmen shall take and hold office September 1 and serve through August 31 of the following year, with no limit to terms in office.

 6.08  All outgoing Officers and Chairmen shall provide for ongoing continuity for incoming Officers and/or Chairmen.   The Secretary shall provide incoming Officers and Chairmen with a copy of the Dry Dredgers, Inc.'s Charter and By-laws.


7.01  The duties of the President shall be:

   To preside at all Regular Monthly meetings of the Dry Dredgers, Inc., Board of Directors meetings and other Special meetings.

   To have general supervision over the business and affairs of the Dry Dredgers, Inc..

   To appoint at the April Regular Monthly meeting one or more members to secure a slate of officers for election at the May monthly meeting.

   To solicit one or more volunteers at the April Regular Monthly meeting to perform an audit of the financial records of the Dry Dredgers, Inc..

   To appoint Permanent Chairmen of Field Trip, Hospitality, Membership, Bulletin Editor/Publicity, and any other Chairmen as suits the needs of the Dry Dredgers, Inc. at any time.

     To appoint, with the advice of the Board of Directors, any Member-At-Large in good standing as an officer to fill the unexpired term of any officer who for any reason is unable to discharge his or her duties.

     To authorize the expenditure, at the President's discretion, of Dry Dredgers, Inc. funds up to a fixed amount for any single item or project.  The fixed amount shall be set each year at the first meeting of the Board of Directors.

     The President is a member ex-officio of all committees.

7.02  The duties of the Vice-President/Program shall be:

     To perform all duties of the office of the  President in the absence or disability of the President or at the President's specific request.

     To arrange for programs for the Regular Monthly meetings and to commit Dry Dredgers, Inc. funds to this end as determined by the Board of Directors.

     To arrange for prompt payment of any expenses incurred for any program.

     To provide the name(s) and address(es) of any one taking part in a program for a follow-up "thank you" letter to be written by the Secretary.

 7.03  The duties of the Secretary shall be:

     To keep the minutes of all Regular Monthly, Board of Directors and Special meetings of the Dry Dredgers, Inc..

     To write "thank you" letters to speakers in behalf of the Dry Dredgers, Inc..

     To write correspondence on behalf of the Dry Dredgers, Inc..

     To keep an on-going record of all speakers and/or programs.

     To provide a copy of the Dry Dredgers, Inc. Constitution and By-Laws to newly elected Officers and Chairmen.

     In the absence of an Archive Chairman, to provide for the archival of Dry Dredgers, Inc. records as specified in Article XI.

 7.04  The duties of the Treasurer shall be:

     To take charge of all funds of the Dry Dredgers, Inc. and deposit all such funds in a recognized financial institution.

     To make all disbursements as authorized by the Board of Directors.

     To keep a record of all incoming and out-going Dry Dredgers, Inc. funds, keeping a running balance for audit in April of each fiscal year.

     To periodically report to the Board of Directors on Dry Dredgers, Inc. finances.

     To arrange for an annual report on Dry Dredgers, Inc. finances to be published to the Members-At-Large at the end of each fiscal year in the Bulletin.

     To appoint any other Officer or Chairman as a signatory authority over Dry Dredgers, Inc. funds as an alternate to the Treasurer.


8.01  Any Appointed Chairman may choose a Committee at his/her discretion.

 8.02  The duties of the Field Trip Chairman shall be:

     To plan, furnish leadership, directions and Bulletin information for from four to six field trips each fiscal year.

     To keep a permanent record with directions of all collecting localities.

 8.03  The duties of the Hospitality Chairman shall be:

     To furnish simple refreshments and snacks for a social hour following each Regular Monthly meeting with a request for a voluntary monetary contribution from those partaking thereof.

     To keep track of supplies and equipment for such purpose to be housed in a cabinet supplied by the Dry Dredgers, Inc..

     To turn over to the Treasurer any moneys left over at the end of the fiscal year.

 8.04  The duties of the Membership Chairman shall be:

     To collect dues for each household address (individual, student or family).

     To keep an accurate file of all members in good standing, charter members and honorary members.

      Each fiscal year to prepare an accurate roster of Members in cooperation with the Bulletin Editor to be published and made available at the February Regular Monthly meeting  and to publish a Membership report in the February Bulletin.

 8.05  The duties of the Bulletin Editor/Publicity Chairman shall be:

     To edit, publish and mail a newsletter at least ten days prior to each Regular Monthly meeting September through June, exclusive of December.   At the option of the  Bulletin Editor/Publicity Chairman, the newsletter may also be issued for other months.

     To publish a roster of names, addresses and phone numbers of all Members-At-Large in good standing, honorary members and faculty advisor in cooperation with the Membership Chairman.  Said roster to be made available at the February Regular Monthly meeting.

     To oversee any publicity as determined by the Board of Directors.

 8.06  Other appointed Chairmen may be but are not limited to:

Fossil Kits
any other as suits the needs of the Dry Dredgers, Inc. from  time to time.


 9.01  These By-Laws are adopted by vote of the members on September 27, 1996 from the Constitution and By-Laws of the Dry Dredgers Association as revised in 1994, the 53rd year of the Dry Dredgers Association.  These By-Laws shall supersede any other By-laws heretofore in force, and any provision of prior By-Laws inconsistent with these By-Laws is void.   These By-Laws shall be effective the first day of October 1996.


 10.01  These By-laws may be amended and/or revised in whole or in part at any time with the consent of the majority vote of the Board of Directors and after being presented to the Members-At-Large and passed by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of such members present at a Regular Monthly meeting.  A summary of the amendment and the taking of such vote shall be announced in the Bulletin immediately preceding the Regular Monthly meeting at which the vote is to be held. 

 10.02   Any amendment duly passed as provided in paragraph 10.01 shall be effective immediately unless by its terms it shall take effect at some other time and the amendment shall supersede any provisions to the By-Laws to the contrary.  Such amendment shall be incorporated into the By-Laws together with the date of the amendment.  


 11.01  The University of Cincinnati archival service shall be the official archive repository of the Dry Dredgers, Inc.


 12.01  In the event there are ten (10) or fewer dues paying members of the Dry Dredgers, Inc., then any member at a Regular Monthly meeting may propose that the Dry Dredgers, Inc. liquidate, dissolve and terminate.  Such motion shall be announced to all Members in good standing in writing and at the next Regular Monthly meeting there shall be a vote of the Members on such motion.  If the motion is adopted by two thirds (2/3) of the Members in good standing attending such Regular Monthly meeting, then the Dry Dredgers, Inc. shall liquidate, dissolve and terminate in an orderly manner according to law and as determined by the Board of Directors as soon as possible.

 12.02  In the event of the liquidation, dissolution and termination of the Dry Dredgers, Inc., all funds in the treasury, less outstanding debts, and  all other assets of the Dry Dredgers, Inc. shall be donated to the Caster Fund at the University of Cincinnati.     


4.01 Annual dues of the Dry Dredgers, Inc. shall be an amount per address as determined by the Board of Directors, with the approval of the Members-At-Large as provided in paragraph 4.02, and, after December 31, 2000, are due and payable annually at the end of the one (1) year anniversary of the member's last payment of annual dues. Members delinquent in the payment of dues will be dropped from the roster as a Members and will receive no further Bulletins. Members will be delinquent after three (3) months from the month in which annual dues are due for that member. Failure to pay annual dues by the end of the month in which they are due will not advance the time when the next years dues are payable but rather the Member shall retain the same one year anniversary month from year to year. The individual Member's Bulletin shall indicate in an appropriate manner when that member's dues are next due. Annual dues of the Dry Dredgers, Inc. which come due after December 31, 2000, shall be ten dollars ($10.00) and remain the same thereafter until changed as provided in this paragraph and paragraph 4.02.

Articles of Incorporation
Amendments to Articles of Incorporation

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