The Bulletin
Editor - Jack Kallmeyer

May 2024
Sticky & Salty Bones 

Our featured presentation this month will be given by past UC student, Solomon Barcomb, whose program is titled, Ice Age Death Traps: Big Bone Lick, the La Brea Tar Pits, and North American Mammal Lagerstätten. Solomon explains: The ice ages which took place at the end of the Pleistocene are some of the most studied periods of earth history, and the animals that lived through them are some of the most fascinating creatures to have lived. Yet the causes for their extinction are still debated over two-hundred years after their discovery. In this talk, we will explore the diversity of Pleistocene animals through two paleontological locations, Big Bone Lick of Kentucky and the La Brea Tarpits of Los Angeles. We will explore the initial discovery of these sites, and see how thinking about these animals and this period has changed over time, as excavations at these locations have brought to light new fossils.

Solomon Barcomb studied geology at the University of Cincinnati. His professional expertise lies in laboratory testing for water and soil pollutants for engineering projects to verify environmental compliance. He has a passion for science communication, and has worked with multiple organizations serving traditionally underserved communities, including Big Brothers Big Sisters and the Cincinnati Recreation Commission, leading educational programs about earth science, natural history, and the environment. Solomon’s current research interest lies in human geography, particularly using historical records to investigate how ancient civilizations interacted with their environments.

Solomon created History Speaks!, a YouTube channel dedicated to exploring the development of classical antiquity and prehistory, and how these legacies gave rise to the modern world. Check this out at:

Solomon is an active member of the Dry Dredgers, and loves exploring the rich paleontological and geological record of the Cincinnati area! His favourite fossils are crinoids, and he aspires to find a complete specimen to exhibit.

TIME: 8 pm
Friday, May 24, 2024
Room 201 Braunstein Hall
                University of Cincinnati Clifton Campus
SIMULCAST: via Zoom - Link sent no later than April 22

Here are some directions to our meeting room.

Message from the President of the Dry Dredgers

I have discussed our mask policy with my respiratory physician. Consequently, we will be changing our policy. Going forward, masks will be considered as optional. However, if you have a cold, other respiratory symptoms or are coughing or sneezing, you will still need to wear a mask to protect others. If you are ill, we suggest that you stay home and watch on Zoom. Some of our members who attend these meetings are in high risk groups (including me) so please be courteous and sensitive to their situation. Vaccination is also highly recommended. We have a limited number of free masks at the front of the room if you need one.

Beginner's Class
By Greg Courtney

The Beginners Class will be conducted from 7:15 PM to 8:00 PM on May 24th. It will be held before the general meeting in room 300 in Braunstein Hall on the UC campus. That's one floor up from the main meeting. The class will be inperson only, no remote Zoom. The Beginners Class will review two face book albums. For any new people joining since Geofair, we will review how to fossil hunt and have a virtual visit of the new museum exhibit: Ancient Worlds Hiding in Plain Sight.

May Field Trip - Family Friendly
by Bob Bross

As promised: our May field trip will be at a location accessible for all ages. We will be exploring the Fairview Formation, exposed in the Harsha/East Fork Lake spillway. Records indicate the Dry Dredgers have not been there in 16 years; geologically the fossils have hardly noticed the time passage!

The date: Saturday, May 25th - and yes, this will be Memorial Day weekend. We will meet at the Visitor’s Center at 10:00 A.M. before proceeding to the spillway. The area is flat, which means looking down a lot; make certain you wear a sun hat to protect the back of your neck; sunblock is also a great idea.

Fossils will be small, but plentiful to those with a discerning eye. While some may move around, others will find a place to sit and begin to pick out the specimens others have passed by. There are lots of brachiopod and gastropods to find, along with parts of gastropods, crinoids and trilobites.

Driving instructions to get to our fossil hunting location was sent out in the May issue of the Dry Dredgers Bulletin via email to dues-paying members. It is also found in the members-only area of the website. The Bulletin is loaded with good information and is essential for participation in our club. If you are not a member, please join us! Here are the membership to join.

More interesting and informative articles, along with color illustrations is available in the full E-Bulletin that was emailed to dues-paying members.

The Dry Dredgers and individual contributors reserve the rights to all information, images, and content presented here. Permission to reproduce in any fashion, must be requested in writing to . is designed and maintained by Bill Heimbrock.