Do you have Windows XP and are tired of staring at the green rolling hills photo that comes with Windows XP when you'd really like to see a rock and shale, fossil site landscape???? Me too! So I made these wallpapers for Windows XP that are full-sized and beautiful 1024 by 768 pixels to use instead. I like them so much, I'd like to share them with you for free. No strings attached. I do ask, though, that you NOT distribute these images to other computers or publish them. Instead, please direct others to visit! Thanks.
Note: Do not use these with Windows 98 or earlier unless you have at least 512 Meg of memory. As always, use at your own risk. The Dry Dredgers are not responsible for damage to your system or the loss of files!!!! I can tell you for certain, though, that these files are free from viruses and other malicious code.
1. Select the full-sized 1024 by 768 pixel image by single-clicking the left mouse button.
3. Then, to install it as the Windows Wallpaper,If you use Windows:
Right-click and select "Set as Background" or "Set as Wallpaper."If you use Mac OS:
1. Drag the image to the desktop.
2. Choose "Desktop" from the System Preferences menu.
3. Choose "Select folder" in the Collection list.
4. Choose the Desktop folder and select the image.
5. Click "Open," then click "Set Desktop."Great Ordovician Fossil Sites of the Cincinnatian
(1024x768 pixels For Windows XP)By clicking on these images, you agree to not hold Dry Dredgers, Inc or responsible for problems or failures with your computer system or peripherals. Permission is granted to use these designated wallpaper images on your computer only and not for sale, distribution or advertising promotions. Windows XP is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation
Visit These Great Fossil Sites!
Dry Dredgers Calendar of EventsWant to know where the best fossil sites in Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana are?
JOIN THE DRY DREDGERS!The Dry Dredgers are a group of amateur geologists and fossil collectors that meet monthly in Cincinnati, Ohio and hold field trips to many of these great fossil sites.
Click here to learn more about what we do.