Dry Dredgers Field Trip
May 28, 2005
Mt. Orab Trilobite Farm, Ohio

Page 2

Fossil Enthusiasts Attending 


This was a true celebration of all that is fossil. We had members with trilobite jewelry (yes, that you, Robin!). We had T-shirts with fossil themes. And we even had trilobite tattoos! Check this out....

In case you are wondering, it ENROLLS!

And fossil enthusasts had their T-shirts out for all to see.

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The T-short sported above was a give-away at last year's Kids public field trip "Search For Noids, Pods and Zoas!" (this is a plug. Come to the trip on June 11!


The group was entertained by the locals too. Above, some kids that are friends with the land owner and live nearby sold Isotelus and Flexicalymene trilobites at a bargain prices (above). His merchandise is in the box shown below.

Here's one of the beautiful multiple trilobites they were selling. These are called "love bugs". In actuality, there was such a concentration of trilobites in this region, that they were literally climing all over each other in Ordovician times. 

Kids also sported Black (Rat) Snakes. The one shown below was found on site. He had others in the car.

Next Page: The Best Finds

Fossil Enthusiasts are found throughout the world. If you are a fossil enthusiast, check out our Canadian friends The Fossil Freaks! They are finding amazing ammonites and crabs in British Columbia.

The Fossil Freak Show

T A B L E   O F   C O N T E N T S 
Page 1: Introduction
Page 2: Fossil Enthusisasts
Page 3:  Best Finds: Echinoderms
Page 4: Trilobites Found: Isotelus
Page 5: Trilobites Found: Flexicalymene (Part 1)
Page 6: Trilbites Found: Flexicalymene (Part 2)
Page 7: Brachiopods, Clams, Cephalopods and Gastropods

Pictures of Last Year's Trip to Mt. Orab

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