Dry Dredgers Field Trip
May 26, 2007
Hueston Woods, Ohio

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Fossils Found at First Site


By far, the most common fossil found in this rugged environment was the hearty Brachiopod.

Most of the Hebertella found were on the surface of rocks.

Also found only on rock surfaces was the interesting, slightly less common, Plaesiomys subquadratus

As mentioned earlier, lots of rocks were covered with Strophomena Brachiopods.

Along with the Strophomena, as shown in the shot below, were Lepidocyclus and Rafinesquina.

When found, the Brachiopopod Eochonetes were found in abundance.(below)


A few fragments of the common trilobites, Flexicalymene and Isotelus, were found, but no whole ones. Here's a picture of one of the Isotelus fragments.


Two main types of coral were found that day at site 1. The first is a solitary Horn Coral, called Grewingkia.
 P1010189.jpg  P1010172.jpg

The second type of coral was the colonial coral, Tetradium.

Certainly, other types of coral can be found on this site, but are not pictured here, such as the encrusting coral, Protaraea.

Ichnofossils (Trace Fossils)

Some interesting worm burrows were seen at site 1. The next 3 pics show particularly large and abundant worm burrows called Diplocriterian.
 P1010181.jpg P1010182.jpg P1010186.jpg  

Other interesting burrows show a vast branching pattern across large slabs and other continuous groups of rocks.

The scenery at the first site, as you can tell from the earlier photos was breath-taking and there were lots of wildlife to observe, such as salamanders and fish. I didn't catch a picture of a salamander, but the fish were easy to find and photograph. (below)

Before we went on to the second site, we took a break and had a nice picnic in the area where we had parked.

Next Page: Onward to Site 2: The Dam

T A B L E     O F     C O N T E N T S

Site 1
Page 1: Introduction to Trip

Page 2: Collecting at Site 1

Page 3: More Collecting at Site 1

Page 4: Fossils Found at Site 1

Site 2
Page 5: Collecting at Site 2

Page 6: Fossils Found at Site 2: Bivalves, Trilobites, Gastropods and Cephalopods

Page 7: Fossils Found at Site 2: Brachiopods, Coral and Bryozoans

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