Dry Dredgers  Meeting
February 24, 2017
Photos by Ron Fine
Web Page by Bill Heimbrock

Feature Speaker - Tim Paton “Paleo Pompeii: snapshots of a half-billion year old ecosystem.” 
Beginner's Class: Bill Heimbrock “Guide to Identifying Cincinnati Fossils”


Beginner's Class: 7:15

Bill Heimbrock presented a “Guide to Identifying Cincinnati Fossils” to help the beginner get started in collecting our local fossils. Already know that stuff? No Problem. It was loaded with good tips for the more experienced collector as well. 

General Meeting: 8 pm in 201 Braunstein Hall:

Door Prizes

Feature Presentation
Tim Paton “Paleo Pompeii: snapshots of a half-billion year old ecosystem.” 

First, Vice President Rich Fuchs introduces our distinguished speaker.

The Dry Dredgers welcomes Tim Paton as our featured speaker this month. Tim is currently pursuing his Master’s degree at U.C. under the guidance of Carl Brett. Tim has been working in Canada in the well known Kirkfield member. His talk is entitled, “Paleo Pompeii: snapshots of a half-billion year old ecosystem.”

Prior to coming to U.C., Tim received a double bachelors in Geology, and Ecology and Evolutionary Biology from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Most of his research is in echinoderm paleontology, stratigraphy, and hardground paleontology, but he also used to work as a herpetologist.

Tim has also been kind enough to help us with crinoid identification of much of the Kirkfield material at the Geier Collections and Research Center.

 Professional Announcements and Official Business

Show And Tell with Refreshments (Informal part of the meeting)

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